Scout Pioneering, Good Ol’ Fashioned Outdoor Fun, is filled with all the information, illustrations, and instructions a unit needs to get an effective pioneering program off the ground and flourishing. Along with the author’s first-hand experience as a Scout leader who has run successful pioneering programs in his own troop and at the Philmont Training Center, it draws upon the expertise of Scouting’s most revered pioneering legends. The author wrote the updates and revisions to the next edition of the BSA’s “Pioneering Merit Badge Pamphlet,” and in addition to enlivening the pamphlet, this book provides a wealth of additional resources, invaluable to a troop wanting to provide its Scouts with rich pioneering opportunities that are memorable and fun.

  • 312 clearly formatted pages
  • Over 250 pioneering-related photos bringing the text to life and capturing real Scouts in action
  • Revealing links to over 40 of the author’s content-relevant,  Scouting America-recognized how-to and Scout meeting activity videos. (Now accessible on the Scouting Activities and Videos website:

Chapters on:

  • How to get started and keep Scouts coming back for more
  • Skills
  • Scout Meeting Activities
  • Camp Gadgets
  • Project Building
  • Program Development

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